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FNDHO Slim Trees

Privacy and Security

FNDHO works with First Nations Health Teams to customize, enhance and sustain privacy and security policies and practices, and to protect against hacking, cyber security and ransomware threats.

Want to learn about all the services and resources we offer? Watch this short video.


Legal Guidance

If you have a question about privacy and security in your health centre, email us at [email protected] and we'll organize some time to speak with you. We will work with our privacy and security advisor to get you the legal guidance and practical advice you need.

Sharing Personal Health Information

We know First Nations health teams are often asked to share information with other programs, departments and organizations. Determining when and how to share PHI can be confusing, so we developed a document to help you.

Email us at [email protected] to learn more about sharing personal health information within the Circle of Care and receive a helpful chart that outlines specific examples with a First Nations context.

Online Courses

Developed in partnership with SE Health's First Nations, Inuit and Métis Program, the Privacy & Security Information Security course is a self-paced online course that is available for free. You can finish the modules all at once or over a couple of days to receive the Certificate of Completion.

Email SE Health to register and learn more about both courses: [email protected]

Additional courses available: Health Information Management

Privacy Officer Training

Are you a Privacy Officer who would like additional training? Email us at [email protected] for information about available courses and we can help to get you registered. 

Why Privacy & Security is important to First Nation Health Centres

FNDHO Executive Director Pam Nolan Speaks about the importance of
Privacy & Security for First Nations Health Services


Privacy and Security Essentials

FNDHO is here to help you navigate PHIPA compliance requirements. Contact us at [email protected] if you would like to receive Privacy Essentials and Privacy Policies and Tools documents.

Questions About Privacy & Security?

If you have any questions about anything to do with privacy and security in your health centre, email us at [email protected] and we'll organize some time to speak with you. Let us know what you need!